Sunday, August 9, 2009

Last post from London

Wow! I can't believe I'm leaving this morning. I can't get over how fast time has flown by. I'm really going to miss it here. I've grown to love this place, however crazy it may be. I am really going to miss all the different people here. Going back to Provo is going to be rough. 

On top of all that, I'm going to go crazy without all these friends I've made. Its so sad to know that we won't be living together again... ever. I'll miss them all so much! I woke up this morning and the first thing I saw was Diana's empty bed. It was one of the most depressing things ever.

I'm really going to miss my ward here. I really grew to love those people. It was such a great experience and I wish I could come back and visit all of them someday.

Basically, Sunday was beautiful! We had the best weather ever for our last few days here. After church, which was amazing and my lesson went well, Melissa and I got off a few stops early to hit up Speakers Corner in Hyde Park. Wow. That was intense. And then she and I just enjoyed a nice stroll through the park to get home. It was so pretty out and such a nice, calm way to say goodbye to the park and the area.

Then it was packing time. This was absolutely insane. clothes were everywhere....

We had dinner and a little fireside where we watched a slide show and all received some fun little awards. Then the "apostate" group headed out to get McDonalds together for one last time. 

I'm really going to miss this. Especially the kids here. I grew really close to a few of them, and I"m really excited to spend more time with them when we get back to school....

I'll be home late tonight; around midnight. I'm leaving the centre here in about an hour and will have such an adventure getting around. 


  1. I am glad you had a great experience, but I am also happy that I will get to see you soon. Lets make plans for next week because I am planning to work my butt off this week to not work at all next week so we can play :)

  2. Sounds like you had a great time!
